Thursday, May 26, 2011

Herb Garden Established

There is nothing quite like growing your own herbs for the kitchen.  During the long winter months, I will sometimes buy various herbs from Safeway or some other grocery store to bring the flavours only fresh spices can give a dish.  But, those herbs are expensive and sometimes disappointing in their quality.  So, come spring, I eagerly plant my own in pots.  On my deck, I'm now growing dill, basil, thyme, and rosemary.  And, in my small vegetable garden, I have perennial oregano and (too many) chive plants.  When I watch some shows on Food TV, I'm very jealous of all those cooks who have huge kitchens with their pots of flourishing herbs handy on a sunny window shelf.  Oh, to just reach over the counter and snap off a handful of a needed herb!  Of course, I wouldn't be satisfied with just being able to do that.  I'd want the entire kitchen!  But, I'm neither rich nor do I have a crew of people polishing everything in my kitchen until it gleams.  If my potted dill does well this summer, I'll plant it my vegetable garden.  It'll survive the winter and do well there for many years.  The rest will have to stay indoors this fall.  I'm hoping that I can buy a grolux stand this fall and keep them growing under artificial light next winter.  Where there's a will (and a little money), there's a way ...

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Di MambroMay 26, 2011 at 5:26 AM

    I love the smell of fresh basil. Of course rosemary is so good in so many dishes. Do we need to call you a "herbalist" now?
