Friday, August 27, 2010

Abbotsford Visit

I'm up early this morning after a pleasant evening here at my brother Paul's and his wife, Shelly's  home.  Marg and I travelled from Tofino to here yesterday.  We were warmly welcomed by them and my sister-in-law May and later their son, Scott.  It was great to have a home-cooked supper of chicken and ribs and other goodies after days of seafood.  And, we of course caught up on the family news.  After breakfast today, Marg and I will continue our trek eastward to Winnipeg.  We have mixed feelings about ending our holiday but we'll be glad to get home and back into our routines.  We're not sure of our route home yet; we'll just head out and see where we decide to go.  Of course, we'll stop at an Okanogan fruit market and load up on fresh cherries, plums, peaches, and other fruit.  There's nothing like fresh fruit.

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