Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Passionate Reader

A passionate reader is someone who makes time in his or her life for the love of reading. In other words, the person simply loves to read.

All you really have to do to become a passionate reader is to find books that would interest you (e.g., mysteries, suspense novels, biographies) or books that pertain to your interests (e.g., photography, art, cooking, nature). And, it's very easy to find those books, especially if you live somewhere that has a great library (or you have the necessary funds to purchase any book you want!).

With some exceptional well-written books, you can celebrate the beauty of your language. Such books are written with intelligence, sensibility, and generosity, and a sense of the wider dimension. Some books are just a way to relax with an absorbing and undemanding story, interspersed with a little excitement. They are an absorbing way to forget about your problems, to escape the stresses in your life.

Without my passion for reading, I’m not sure my passion for writing would have been born.

1 comment:

  1. Reading takes us to another place or knowledge base. When waiting for anything, it is always an enjoyable activity to use the time meaningfully! Books are everywhere in my house- neatly organized of course! I always pack a book or two or some magazines no matter where I am going. Nice post on books today, Roy!
