Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of the Week

Yes, we had a great Sunday, ending it with supper at Boston Pizza and a walk with the dogs out at Beaudry.  It was a great way to end the weekend.  Today?  Back to the routines.  Marg walked the dogs this morning before leaving for work with Holly.

My hairy mutt goes to the groomers this morning for a much needed trim, wash, and nail clipping.  The groomers are out in the SW area of the city, not far from Celebrations.  So, Marg will also pick her up after work and bring her home again.  Holly will be more comfortable without the thick fur coat.

After both of us eating too much this past weekend, I'll have to plan some suppers that are nutritious but "low cal" for the next few days.  I think it was all the ice cream desserts we had because of the heat.  Notice I'm blaming it on the heat, not on our weak resistance.  Oh, well.  Life is to be enjoyed sometimes.

Looks like we're going to get some rain soon, finally.  It's sad that everything is so dry around Winnipeg lately.  With our heavy clay soils, the cracks in the ground are huge.  Our lawn, like everyone's, is parched.  We need a few inches of rain to bring the plants back to health.  Funny, last year and this spring, we had too much rain.  Winnipeg, it seems, goes from one extreme in weather to another.

1 comment:

  1. Ice cream desserts sound good! Why have any dinners, just have dessert- that would cut back on calories! We have had some nasty thunderstorms so rain is plenty here! Hope you get some rain soon as droopy plants are hard to see for a gardener! Bet Holly looks fabulous even though she is not talking to you!
