Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What a Difference a Week Makes

A week ago, I was complaining about the cold weather.  Now, it's -4 degrees and, Friday, there is supposed to be a chance of showers.  Maybe, I should complain more often if it works this way.  Yeah, right!  I'll just enjoy this milder weather while it lasts.

I haven't been writing in this blog much this year, so far.  I've been a little 'under the weather', so to speak.  I'm just getting over the another cold.  My third over the past month?  Weird.  I don't usually get many colds.  It could be worse, of course.  Bronchitis or pneumonia, for example.

Not too much has happened in my life over the past week.  I did get out on two evenings.  Once I accompanied Margaret to the fine WOW Christmas dinner at Terrace 55 and another time when Margaret took me to the latest show at Celebrations Dinner Theatre, called 'Mugs and Molls'.  It's a rock and roll cabaret, with lots of songs and dancing from the late-50's and the 60's, done by three guys and three gals.  Both events were quite enjoyable.

The only other thing of note I did over the past week was weather-related.  We had quite a day or so of snow and blowing snow, a lot of which ended up in my drive-way.  Enough snow that I was forced to bring out my big snow blower yesterday to tackle it.


  1. Glad to see another blog. Was getting a little worried. But colds can set us all back. Yes enjoy the mild break. Always nice in the winter. The shows sound very enjoyable.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been sick again! Some wild viruses going around. WE've been sick on and off too...ugh.
    Happy to see a new post here...I was coming on prepared to comment on the lack of posts these days! :)
