Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preparing Ahead

Well, since it's only about 348 days until next Christmas, Margaret and I prepared ahead.  Her old artificial Christmas tree was overdue for replacement.  So, because we both are thrifty (well, most of the time, anyways), we decided to buy a pre-lit Christmas tree on sale while the stores were trying to 'unload' their unsold Christmas stuff.

We got a very good deal at Zellers: a $199 tree for about $75.  I wanted to yell 'start the car, start the car!' on the way out of the store, just like in that TV commercial we've seen about a hundred times in the last month or so.

We'll have to wait until December, 2011, to see if the tree looks as good in the living room as it did on the box's cover picture but we are looking forward to not dealing with tangles of Christmas tree lights this year, usually with some burnt out bulbs.  I feel a bit like a Boy Scout who is really prepared.

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