Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Normality Returns

The turkey dinner is just a pleasant memory now as the short work week begins for most people. I expect these same people wish every week was this short.  Retired people, like myself, don't really care.  We've "been there; done that" and most of us are enjoying our golden years.

It doesn't mean we don't work. We do. But, we work at our own pace, in our own place. In the early hours of today, I still don't know what I'll do to fill the hours but that's okay. There's always stuff "to do", in and around a home. It's just a matter of picking some things to do off the mental list and getting them done.

I'm now thinking of all of the things I could or should do today.  I can't say that there many things that I 'want to do' today. Most of them actually sound like tedious, boring activities. But, life is like that. You have to do the things that have to be done so you can spoil yourself a bit later, doing the more pleasurable things you enjoy. I do know that I will have a nap soon because I didn't get enough sleep last night. Usually, I need "two sleeps" to come close to having 8 hours of sleep total per day. Fortunately, I can do that.

Today, the weather looks good for some outdoor work.  The yard is more or less ready for winter but there are still some small jobs needing attention. I would like to get those done because the weather forecast is for cool, rainy weather for the next few days. At this time of year, in Winnipeg, we can suddenly receive a staying snow so it's best to get all the yard work done that you can, while you can.

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