Saturday, October 15, 2011

Autumn Again

John Burroughs (writer and naturalist in the late 1800s) said, "How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days".

Someone else said that autumn is when every leaf becomes a flower. It seems every shade of green turns to yellow and gold and, in some cases, to red.

Many people bemoan the coming of winter. I don't. Sure, I love spring and summer the most on the prairies but winter has its charm as well. I think of watching the snow fall, covering everything in white, and mornings when the bare trees are cloaked in heavy hoar frost. Those days can be magical in themselves but are even more of a treat for a photographer. Blizzards are the most unwelcome of winter events here but, when things calm down, the roads are cleared, and the sun shines again, it's great to go for a drive and watch for the sparkling, wind-sculpted snow drifts along the way.  Happiness is ...

1 comment:

  1. Let's enjoy the fall! Keep taking your beautiful pictures.
