Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Respite from the Rain

Today, it's finally sunny again. Our sump pump in the basement has performed valiantly over the past few days. It always pumps because we have an underground stream running below the house. But, when it rains, that turns into a torrent and the sump pump drains the well every 5 minutes or so.

Ever hopeful, I plugged in the battery on the lawn mower earlier so that it can charge this morning and I can cut the grass later this afternoon (I lead a very exciting life). Before I head out to do yard work, I have to vacuum the carpeting. Holly was groomed yesterday so she's not dropping fistfuls of black hair throughout the house. It's time to suck up all that shed hair and make the house more presentable.

Yesterday, along with some rain, we were thrilled to have strong winds. We're talking up to 70 km/h winds. Needless to say, there aren't any blossoms left on the ornamental trees. The yard looks like we just had a giant wedding, with pink and white confetti everywhere!

Speaking of Holly, she looks great again with her summer coat. Smells better, too. I think she knew she'd get a bath at the groomers so she rolled around in some rabbit pellets the day before. That or a very dead rabbit. In any case, she smelled pretty bad. Now, she is nicely scented. Our other dog, Mollie is at the vet's today. Seems she had 60-70 bladder stones needing removal. She had become a bit of a bean bag. This visit was on the heels of Zoie's visit to get some growths removed from her hide. She's been wearing a head cone so the spots can heal. Margaret doesn't like me calling her cone head or scar face, for some reason.

Well, time to get back to work ...

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Di MambroJune 1, 2011 at 6:30 PM

    Sometimes the ordinary events in life bring simple pleasure and satisfaction. Nice smelling dogs are good too!
