Monday, June 13, 2011

And so ...

... another week begins.  My sympathies to those trudging off to work this morning.  As a retiree, Mondays are just other days of the week to me.  They do, however, signal the end of the weekend and all the fun that happened.  Saturday, after a cleaning frenzy, we enjoyed the company of some of Marg's friends for supper.  And, on Sunday morning, I finally took Marg out for dim sum at Kum Koon Garden where she discovered, amongst other tasty morsels, coconut buns.  Afterwards, we went to Indigo Books where I bought a couple of novels to read on our Alaskan cruise later this summer.  I finally used a gift card to make my purchases that Josi gave me for Christmas.  Later, I discovered that Josi and her kids were at the same store an hour or so after we were there.  At home, we had some quality deck time before the winds picked up as a new weather front moved in (it was raining when we got up this morning!).  So, although Mondays don't mean much to this retiree, I certainly enjoy the weekend activities.


  1. Reading on a cruise sounds decadent. Shouldn't you be charging the battery on your camera for some amazing photos?

  2. Batteries will be charged and charger brought along! But, I don't leave home without books!
