Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back to the Future

Well, it's only been one week since my last post here.  My apologies to my blog followers.  Please don't give up checking for something new.  Sometimes, I just feel there's nothing new in my life worth writing about.  Other times, there's lots happening and I just don't get around to writing about it.  Sometimes, I'm just plain lazy and get carried away, playing games with Freecell or Mahjong (very addictive!).

So, since last Wednesday, I've mainly been active in the outdoors, tending to the lawn and flower beds.  Josi and Greg benefited from a second thing of my perennial flowers (always needing dividing as they creep closer to the lawn (and vice versa).

I've also attended the opening of the latest Celebrations Dinner Theatre show with Marg.  This one deals features the music of Buddyy Holly and his contemporaries.  And, I must say it's probably the best show I've ever attended there.  The three acts all seemed to whiz by, a sure sign that they were well done.  Buddy Holly died in a plane crash when I was 15 years old but his music certainly lives on.

And, I've also gotten a new passport.  I haven't had one in many years (about 10 years?!).  Now, thanks to Margaret's prodding and the magic of Visa, I can go anywhere I want to in the world.  The immediate plan is our Holland America cruise to Alaska this summer, something both of us are really looking forward to.  This will be my first cruise (Marg is a veteran, having done several cruises, albeit to warmer climates).

And, yes, I'm slowing getting back to walking the dogs in the early morning with Marg.  Sometimes, Marg goes alone with the dogs because I can't go with her for various reasons.  I certainly enjoy the walks when I can go on them.  Walking is funny in that the more you do, the more you want to do more.  We're looking forward to going out to Beaudry Provincial Park again in the evenings and on weekends.  Hopefully, the trails there will dry out enough soon so we can use them without resorting to wearing rubber boots.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Di MambroJune 8, 2011 at 7:54 PM

    Sounds like a busy week. The Alaska cruise should be very exciting. I hear it is one of the best to take. Like you, I love walking too. Such an easy and enjoyable way to get much needed exercise.
