Friday, February 25, 2011

Changed My Mind

I decided to get my throat checked out after all at the walk-in clinic.  Strep throat, with a viral infection.  So, no antibiotic required for that; just lots of gargling in my near future.  But I did need more antibiotics for a relapse in my eye infection.  At least, now, I know.  So, unless I come down with viral pneumonia, that's all I'll write about my plague of cold-related infections for this winter.

I also went to Best Buy and picked up the 2 TB LaCie external hard drive that Mike recommended for backing up my aging desktop computer.  I'll get that going later this evening.  I also have to reinstall my new wireless printer because MTS installed a new mega-router when they hooked up Marg's HD cable system.  New router and network means the recently installed printer must be set up again.  Sometimes, all this new technology is a bit of a pain.  Makes me tired thinking about it.  I think I'll go have a nap.

1 comment:

  1. New technology is great but there is something to be said about the days we just turned something on and it worked! The last time Adolph and I bought a new TV we needed to call the young man at the store to help us program our converter! We did not give our real names as we did not want it made known how inept we were!!! I am proud though- I was able to program my new printer to my computer months ago- took 3 hours- the IT guys at work would have taken 20 minutes!
