Thursday, September 18, 2014

Life and Other Stuff

As anyone who knows me, photography is my main hobby. Almost a passion. So, when I saw the following anonymous quote on another photographer's Flickr page, I thought it'd be a good lead in to a blog post. The quote: "Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop" (Unknown). It made me think that I must be well developed in some respects.

Maybe it doesn't exactly hold true in our present digital age. There are no longer real film negatives. But there are lots of rejects; images not worth using. Many of these images still reside in folders on our hard drives or (if we're smart) on backup CDs or flash drives.

You always think, maybe in the future, I'll try to do something with these rejects. But, realistically, the smart thing would be to delete them. Keep your best memories. Learn from and toss out the bad ones.

1 comment:

  1. Yes photography is life- keep the good memories and put the rejects in the delete file!
