Friday, September 12, 2014


The classic hecklers are Statler and Waldorf. According to Wikipedia, Statler and Waldorf are a pair of Muppet characters. They are two disagreeable old men who first appeared in the television series, The Muppet Show, and heckled the rest of the cast from their balcony seats. I recently came across them as one of many wall paintings for the current show at Celebrations Dinner Theatre, "It's Elementary Sherlock".

If you've ever watched a Muppets show, you've seen these two guys.

Of course, we've all experienced hecklers in our lives. It's not funny when you have to deal with personal critics. Every time we've taken a stand or position on some issue, there've been hecklers somewhere in the background.

Can you think of some critics in your job?

1 comment:

  1. Lately, too many challenges of values I hold dear to my heart. Escaping from work and others who are negative give a fresh approach to another day.
