Saturday, January 14, 2012

Down Memory Lane

With the wintry wind blowing snow across my driveway this morning, I remembered worst conditions a few years ago when I still lived near Carman. Back then, I grew to hate strong north-western winds during the winter because, invariably, it meant I had some serious snow clearing ahead for me.

In those days, it meant I had to clear part or all of my lane of snow. That lane was one-third of a mile long and, sometimes, it was all covered in a foot or more of snow.  With the snow-blower, that meant I had to clear one mile of snow while making three passes up and down the lane.

Other times, only the gate area was plugged with snow.  That could be equally hard to clear because the drifts across the lane at this point could be very hard. The walk-behind snow-blower I had would just crawl over the tops of these concrete-like drifts.  That meant I had to use a shovel to break the drifts into cubes up before I could use the snow-blower.

This photo is a good reminder to me that not everything rural is always wonderful. Life could be very hard at times.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo. I imagine you enjoy the "city" snow clearance better. Rural living is hard. I think I might have invested in a snow plow! Adolph used to have big snow plowing contracts in one of his businesses. Other drivers managed the big snowplow. One winter when we had first moved into our house in Richmond Hill, after clearing our driveway with the small truck and plow, he went and cleared a few neighbours' driveways after that big storm. Nice story of your Carmen memories!
