Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It is better to travel hopeful ...

... than to arrive. This simplified phrase is based on a Robert Louis Stevenson quotation, from Virginibus Puerisque, 1881: "Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour." Stevenson was expressing the same idea as the earlier Taoist saying - "The journey is the reward."

Simply put, hope and anticipation are often better than reality. You could avoid the past and the future by, as my wise cousin Barb once said, by living in the moment. The past may be filled with good and bad memories (odd, how we remember the bad ones most clearly). The future may include good and bad things also but we won't know until it becomes the past. Indeed, right at this moment, we don't know if there will be a future.

Happiness is living in this moment ... and keeping on journeying.

1 comment:

  1. reminds me of the book we were listening to in the van on the way to/from the lake (one of Greg's) called The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. He talked about that a few times (it is better to travel than arrive). Glad to see you posting
