Monday, April 7, 2014

Transition Time

Let there be light!  The switch to DST was difficult.  It was like, 'where am I' at first.  Now, I'm used to it and enjoying the morning and evening light.  The daylength feels stretched out.  Not that I seem to be making the best use of it yet.  I still spend too much time surfing YouTube for cooking shows and inspiration for future suppers and having some enjoyable daytime naps.  On my Flickr page, I've seen a dramatic increase in the number of views of my daffodil image, leaving the kittens in the dust for a while.

If you which to see my daffodil image, go to

It was taken on May 4th, 2012.  I wonder if I'll see this year's daffodils on the same date.  A lot of snow will have to melt soon!

This morning, I checked the weather forecast and not that we are about to have our first week of above freezing temperature of the year.

Happiness is!

1 comment:

  1. Transitions are always hard. I find DST to be harder to take each year. Yes you will have daffodils-just maybe not in April!
