Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Get-together 1

This afternoon/evening, we had Marg's side of the family over for supper.  I made 3 dishes: honey-mustard baked ham, a creamy hash brown casserole, and a creamy broccoli casserole.  M&M provided some squares for dessert.  There was more than enough for the meal (enough is a feast) plus lots to send home with our guests.

I'm now looking to Easter get-together 2, tomorrow evening with my kids and their families, at Celebrations Dinner Theatre.

Happiness is ...


  1. I am cooking today for the family. Your meal sounds good!

  2. Lots of good Easter eating. Sounds like a fun weekend for you Roy. Ours was busy but enjoyable with all the family. Will be eating leftovers for a few days though.
