Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Warm Days ... But Cool Nights

Our warm weather continues.  But, the evenings cool down quickly and we're able to open all of our windows for sleeping.  I'm convinced I sleep much better when the indoor air is cool and fresh. August is a great month for this kind of weather.

I'm taking advantage of the fine weather to photograph more flowers.  On the weekend, we went back to Beaudry Provincial Park again.  We'd been staying away from this park because of the extremely high tick populations we encountered there, back in early June.  While Marg took the mutts for an enjoyable walk in the grassy fields, I played around with my camera on a woodland trail.

This is a photo of yarrow, a plant many consider a weed but which I think is quite beautiful (I even have some of these in my perennial gardens at home).  I've also posted this image to my Flickr page.  It's actually 3 images, taken at different exposures, that have been combined into one image, using special software that I'm learning to use.

As summer slowly comes to a close, I'll be spending more and more time capturing flowers and insects with my camera.

And, yes, I'm happy to say that the ticks were gone from Beaudry on this visit.