Friday, December 29, 2023

Everybody Needs Somebody

Yes, everybody does need somebody! I was reminded of this today when Josi and Greg and their son Matt came by today to take away an old oak cabinet from our dining room. It's part of our ongoing renovation process. The cabinet had to go so new flooring can eventually be put down in the kitchen and dining room.

They also hooked up a digital picture frame (Frameo) that they had given us for Christmas. Now, we can  put some of our favorite images on it and M and I can watch them together. We can also show these images to visiting friends and relatives. I repeat, everybody does need somebody! M and I couldn't have done any of this alone.

So, thank you J and G for helping us out so much. You are so appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Family is always the best. Josi and fam are the best. I use my grandkids for modern stuff. For example at the Nutcracker Ballet, my 10 year old granddaughter helped to upload the QR code to my phone for the program. Love the idea of the digital picture frame. You will love it. Yes we all need somebody sometime. I bet you were the go to guy at one time!! So Happy New Year Cuz. We will stay in touch. Barb and fam here in Ontario
