Wednesday, May 10, 2023

My History

 “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston S. Churchill.

I've been having fun this evening, checking out places I went to school as a kid (e.g., Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School (where I learned a little French from Madame Macnamara), remembering childhood friends, churches I attended as a youth, my baptism, my 2 years of attendance at Caronport Bible College, etc.

Sadly, I also remember the passing of my father, two brothers, many aunts and uncles, the loss of some relatives during WW2, my Grannie on the porch at 1718 7th Avenue in New Westminster where I lived for a while and watched my Grandfather cook pancakes on the stovetop after wiping it down with waxed paper and getting some jam from the cooler on the side of the house (kept cool by blocks of ice delivered by horse and wagon) , later living next to Oakalla Prison in Burnaby, remembering a German immigrant who lived with us for awhile and had a bicycle with wooden fenders, working at a lumber mill in Burnaby (on the green chain which I still have scars to remind me) and on and on.

All of this reminiscing was triggered by watching Knowing Your Roots on last tonight's PBS show (too many memories to think about very early on the morning May 10th, 2023).

Cheers from an old man starting his 80th decade!

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