Saturday, December 18, 2010

You've got mail!

These days, I rarely get snail mail, unless it's a bill.  The norm is email and instant messaging. But, recently, I got a Christmas card, with enclosures, from my cousin, Barb.  She always sends me a card at this time of year.  In fact, I think I've gotten one from her for every year since I last saw her.  And, that was about 30 years ago.

This year, the card was even more special because it included both her Christmas letter and some special black and white photos.

Two of the three photos were of my mom and dad, taken in Toronto in 1940.  The third was of mom and dad plus dad's sisters, May and Bernice.  I will treasure all of these pictures.

Thank you so much, Barb.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is a time to reach out and do special things for the people in our lives. I thought the photos of your Mom and Dad would mean more to you and it seems that it did. I made copies and do have the large negatives if we want to make enlargements-a project for another day.Uncle Norman was a very special person in my life- as you are Roy.
