Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Can I Fly Like An Eagle ...

... if I'm surrounded by turkeys?  I've been thinking a lot about turkeys today, for some reason.  Maybe, it was because I was in the meat department at our local Safeway today, trying to decide what meats to stock up my freezer with.  Or, maybe it was that cooking magazine I glanced at as I was checking out.  It featured every way you could cook a turkey for Christmas.

Later, when I unpacked and put away all the groceries, I started thinking about this blog post.  Turkeys kept coming to mind.  By the way, I've never cooked one.  Maybe, it's time I learned.  Anyways, a picture I took, back when I lived near Carman, came to mind.  Turkeys used to appear in the yard every year.  Sometimes, mating groups; sometimes, a female with young.  I rarely had time to photograph them.  But, one day, I couldn't resist.  From the kitchen window, I spotted a turkey up on the picnic table out back so I snapped this shot.

Who knows why it decided the old picnic table would be a great place to stand around for awhile.  Maybe, it was checking out the nearby bird feeder to see what was on the menu?  And, no, I didn't buy a turkey today.  Maybe, soon, though ...


  1. I used to have a mug at work that said- Don't let the turkeys get you down? Are you doing the Christmas dinner or are you invited somewhere? I am sure there are many people that can guide through cooking a turkey- may need some help with the stuffing recipe. I use my Mom's- of course it is in my head, not written down. My family love it, otherwise a good old fashioned Canadian stuffing. By the way it is a neat picture. Good to hunt through old photos for Blog ideas.

  2. I'm invited to the Johns' for Christmas brunch with the Ellis'. Later, Margaret and I are hosting her family dinner. I think she may try a brined turkey. I think I'll be the one that gets stuffed Christmas day.
