Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Yes, Christmas 2010 is now history and we're celebrating Boxing Day.  I just did a Google search on "Boxing Day" and was surprised at how wrong I was as to its meaning.  I won't spoil your fun; I'll let you do the same search and find out for yourself.  You'll discover some interesting trivia along the way.

I suppose the shopping malls will be packed today with people searching for bargains and spending all those gift cards that came their way yesterday.  I won't be among the crowds today.  I can wait until sometime in January when the dust settles again.  I've had my fill of shopping and crowds lately (it doesn't take much with me).

So, what am I going to do today?  Maybe, do the dishes, wash some laundry; maybe, even vacuum.  Then again, I may just finish that book I started just before Santa came down the chimney.  Such an exciting life I live.

1 comment:

  1. yes it's a British tradition. Like you I stopped rushing out Boxing Day for sales. Have more Christmas stuff and there are always some goodies to buy if necessary. Watched the news on the crowds in the GTA from the comfort of my home!
