Monday, December 20, 2010

Suffering from a cold?

Colds are circulating everywhere these days.  I know because I've had one for about a week.  My symptoms have been a cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and general fatigue. Colds are supposed to last for about a week or so and then disappear.  If that's true, I'll be fine by Christmas Day.  I hope so because I certainly don't want to spread it to others in my family.

I know that most 'cold remedies' don't work.  It's a virus and there are no anti-virals for the common cold viruses.  But, that hasn't stopped me from trying different things to minimize the symptoms.

I've been drinking lots of liquids, including orange juice (and, yes, coffee), taking my vitamins, taking a Tylenol to help sleep better, and using a cough syrup to ease my sore throat.  I also tried NeoCitran as a hot drink.  Some people like it; I don't.  I'd rather drink a more palatable cup of tea.

I am definitely getting better.  Funny how time cures most things, including the common cold.  Good thing because there are now only five more sleeps before Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. The best remedy is not to get a cold. Stay away from people who are sick. Time does heal colds especially if rest is involved.
