Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Wait for Spring?

After a few days of rain and wind, it's great to see the sun again!  I decided to make the most of the afternoon so, after going to the library and picking up a few groceries, Holly and I drove out to Beaudry to get in some trail walking.  It was beautiful out there.  Crisp and very cool.  There were no other visitors while we there so Holly had the entire time off-leash.

Her pent-up energy was apparent as she literally galloped up and down the trails, splashing through the numerous water puddles along the way (some, in the shade of the burr oaks, actually with a thin layer of ice!), sniffing all the new things since her last visit.

Although nothing special really caught my camera's eye, I enjoyed the outing also.  The highlight for me was watching three hawks soaring together above me over the grassland area.  Their slow easy glides was thrilling to watch.  Of course, I didn't have the proper camera gear to capture this scene.  I suppose I will have to settle for the memory.  Maybe, that's just as well.  You can't capture some feelings with a camera.

1 comment:

  1. But you captured it with your writing.
