Saturday, October 23, 2010

Early Saturday Morning

Very early.  I'm awake and have already had a couple of cups of my life-giving Edwards West Coast Dark coffee.  Holly has had more than her usual morning ration of milk-bones.  She's now gone back to sleep, happy.  I've caught up in my paper-based diary and now I am on my computer, getting ready to run through my usual routine of checking for emails, seeing what, if anything, is new on Facebook since I last looked, and, then, relaxing while I run through the latest edition of Flickriver.  To some, this may seem kind of a boring start to the day but, to me, it's a sort of grounding.  It allows my mind to gradually start functioning.  Through it all, I'll soon figure out what I want to do most today and start getting some of those things done.

Right now, I have no great plans for the day.  I'll just 'go with the flow'.  I know Margaret wants to run a few errands later this morning and I'll go with her.  Each of us needs a few supplies to maintain our homes, our dogs, and ourselves.  I expect we'll also head out to Beaudry again this afternoon, when things warm up (11 degree and sunny, today and tomorrow!), to let the mutts run off some of their excess energy and to give ourselves some exercise.  If there is some spare time, I think I'll continue working on the flower beds here.  There are still some weeds to pull and plants that need to to be trimmed of their dead foliage.  Also, I could do some more pruning.  This winter, the flower beds will go into hibernation in better shape than they did last year.

So, we'll see what the day brings ...

1 comment:

  1. We all have our ways to be grounded and start our day. Actually you probably get quite a lot accomplished before the birds are even awake!
