Monday, October 25, 2010

Here Comes the Rain

Don't you just hate it when the weather forecaster is right and it really does rain overnight?  And, it's foggy, too?  Well, I do.  This morning, I took one look outside and decided to go back to bed to read for awhile.  Even Holly wasn't interested in the great outdoors.  She went out onto the deck, looked around, and barked to get back in and have some milk-bones.  Once she was satisfied with those, she curled up and went back to sleep.  She wasn't a great role model, for sure.  I didn't read very many pages before I, too, gave in and followed Holly's lead.  Even my coffee couldn't keep me awake this morning.  Sometimes, it's best to just go with the flow.

1 comment:

  1. Must be retired to sleep in Monday morning. Oh Yeah, you are!
