Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Gorgeous Day

It may have started out a little wet but it has turned out to be a fabulous day.  Sunny, warm, and breezy.  It's funny how the weather can affect our outlook on life.  I don't know how those people in the Vancouver area survive.  Nice place to visit, especially in the middle of a cold Winnipeg winter, but give me the prairies any day!

And, although I really like small-town, rural Manitoba, I'm very happy where I live now, in the Charleswood area of Winnipeg.  So many of the people I've met in this area are friendly.  It really is like a community.  And, because I live on a cul-de-sac, it's even better because most of the people on my quiet little street are extra-friendly and helpful with their neighbours.  Life is very good.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Di MambroMay 23, 2010 at 6:59 PM

    Home is where the heart is. Closer to family and you can visit your friends back in Carmen anythime. You have the best of both worlds.
