Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Our present to the dogs this afternoon was to take them to Beaudry Provincial Park for a good run off-leash.  While Marg watched over the mutts, I took advantage of the golden light of the setting sun to take a few photos of some cattails that seemed to glow.

Then, it was back home. Marg wanted me to get a photo of our new and decorated Christmas tree with the lights on in the dark living room.  So, here it is.  There are lots of presents under the tree but most of them will be taken over to the grand-kids tomorrow morning.

We were planning to attend Christmas Eve services at Marg's church tonight but I managed to hurt my back today and decided sitting stiffly in a pew for a couple of hours was not a great idea.  So, we're staying home to rest up for tomorrow's family activities.


  1. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your family! As your first married Christmas together, may it be special, loving and memorable for both of you!

  2. what did you do to your back? feeling better today? Good to see you guys, hope you had a good afternoon!
