Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unbelievable Weather

Today was partly cloudy here but with a high of 13 degrees.  Too nice at this time of year to stay inside.  So, this afternoon, Holly and I headed out to Beaudry again, to walk the grassy trails once more.  I can't believe how nice the days have been lately.  Our normal high is zero for this time of year.  And, we're getting back to normal over the next couple of days, with snow forecast for Thursday (sigh ...).

After our walk, I stopped in at Shelmerdines Garden Centre again.  I wandered through the greenhouse for awhile, looking at the poinsettias, Christmas cacti, peace lilies, and other seasonal plants that have been set out.  As an aside, I'm nursing Margaret's peace lily back to health.  Seems to like my attention because it's flowering now.  At the garden centre, I also wandered through the gift store area and marvelled at all the Christmas decorations that were for sale.  What an incredible variety of glittery ornaments!  With prices to match, unfortunately.

Now, I'm home again and starting supper.  How does Indian butter chicken, pan-fried potatoes, and my special Brussels sprouts dish with Parmesan cheese sound to you?

1 comment:

  1. Looking and not buying is always allowed. Christmas items are always so pretty. I avoid buying until I decorate then I realize how much Christmas stuff I have.
