Wednesday, November 17, 2010


When you glance out the window in the morning, after the sky lightens, and see the wind churning up the collected snow flakes on the deck and walks, you begin to believe the forecast for a 60% chance of flurries.  Flurries are a gentle reminder that, ready or not, winter has arrived at your door.  Whereas I don't welcome winter --- the cold, the ice, the snow --- I'm now ready for it.  Well, as ready as I can be.

My warm winter wear is hanging in the closet, ready to be worn.  My winter boots are sitting by the front door.  Good thing.  The temperature this week will not get above freezing.  Indeed, snow is forecast for tomorrow.  Soon, I'll get everything on, put Holly on her leash, and go for our first walk in the suddenly cold morning air of Winterpeg.  Oddly, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Thinking warm thoughts ...

1 comment:

  1. The first snow gets us ready for winter. It's true we avoid the idea but when it happens- oh well, it's Canada! You have your winter wear ready but is your snow shovel handy?
