Sunday, October 6, 2013


More shopping today. This time at Costco. We discovered that, if you get to the store at 10:00 a.m., you can get your shopping done before the crowds arrive. It's a lot easier on nervous system.

We usually go every 2-3 months and stock up on the staples. Important stuff, like Kuerig Columbian coffee K-cups, DentiSticks dog treats, mixed nuts, steel-head trout fillets, pre-cooked beef roasts, chicken flings, jugs of milk, paper towels, etc., etc. The car is much heavier on the trip home.

Once home and unloaded, we did a couple of hours of yard work. It was a great day for it, sunny and a little warm. This time, we tackled the Virginia creeper all along one side of the house and along one fence.This summer must have been perfect for that plant. You could sit and watch it grow. Anyway, it's all pruned back. Next summer, we'll have to maintain better control of it.

And, the day's not over. This evening, we're off to Celebrations Dinner Theatre, to enjoy "Elvis and the Las Vegas Hangover".

You do remember Elvis, don't you?


  1. What a productive day! Be careful you do not fall asleep during the show! Yes, I vaguely remember Elvis- he was a little before my time! I loved the Beatles!

  2. Love going to costco sunday at 10, i think most people don't know it opens at that time! and Elvis??? was he a figure skater? ;)
