Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

According to Wikipedia, May Day is celebrated in some parts of the Province of British Columbia. The honour of having the longest continually observed May Day in the British Commonwealth – since 1870 – is claimed by the BC city of New Westminster.

I can attest to that event during my juniour high school days.  For several weeks before, high school students were made to learn how to dance around the Maypole. The most well known symbol of May Day is the maypole. The custom of dancing around the maypole is supposedly an ancient fertility rite. Whatever. All I remember is that my rebellious friends and I tended to play hooky on those days. We considered it rather childish.

We would usually go down to a secret location on the banks of the Fraser River.  There, we had a long, thick rope which we used to swing out over the river and fly off the end. Not having our swim suits with us, we'd make do with our underwear. It was a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. That's some image! Perhaps when you attend your next school reunion, all you guys can recreate that fun event! Just be careful someone may tape you and you could become the next sensation on You Tube!
