Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You say "Tomato" ...

You can finish the rest of the saying. This is just a note to reaffirm that summer is over in Winnipeg.  Yes, I know about September 22nd, the Autumnal Equinox, and the official end of summer. Here, in my opinion, it's simply the first hard frost. And, we've had it.

Just before that momentous event, I picked the remaining small but good tomatoes. There were still a few small, green 'marbles' on the vine but those will go in the compost.

The last tomatoes were a little harder than the earlier tomatoes but the fresh, home-grown flavour was still there.

I also brought in a potted begonia and hibiscus that I hope to overwinter as house plants.  I'll have to bring in my water lilies and papyrus soon, to store in the heated garage until next spring.

One good thing: the Michaelmas daisies have started to bloom on schedule. A little frost doesn't hurt them.

1 comment:

  1. Frost does mark the real end of summer. When to pick the remainder of our garden will be a challenge too. Our beans and tomatoes had a second growth spurt that it is just a matter of time when they too will come to an end. I don't bring in any flowers, just some of the herbs like rosemary and basil. The garden furniture is put away Thanksgiving weekend-always a sad moment for me as it means no more meals outside until the spring!
