I got to thinking about fantasies today for some reason (?). I wasn't thinking about fantasy novels. I gave up on them when they became just a never-ending series of books. I hate it when you get to the end of a fantasy novel only to discover it's "to be continued".
I wasn't thinking about sexual fantasies either (although that might make an interesting post). I was simply thinking about the "what if's" in life.
What if I had become a skilled carpenter? Or a wood carver? Or a chef? Or an English teacher? Or an automotive mechanic? Or a historian?
What if I had born a different colour? What if I lived in New Zealand? What if I could eat anything that I wanted to and never gain weight?
What if I was filthy rich? What if I won a huge lottery? What vehicle would I buy if I could buy make/model that I wanted?
What would my dream house be like? How many rooms would it have? Could I have a special room for each of my hobbies? Could I hire someone to keep it spotless?
What if I loved to travel? Where would I go first? Would I take a lavish round-the-world cruise? Or fly to a country and stay there until I thought it was time to move on to another exotic location?
I guess this probably sounds more like a wish list than a bunch of fantasies. I'm fortunate that, over my the course of my life, I've seen many of my wishes come true. Not all by any means, of course. But, a lot of them.
I think I'll go to the store now and buy that lottery ticket.
Imagining and thinking about the what ifs often compel us to do something that is possible. It keeps us young as reality is always right there for us to see.