Friday, July 13, 2012

Leftover Meatloaf

Modestly (?), I must admit I made a great meatloaf for supper two nights ago. It was also a big meatloaf. I'm not sure I could better it in the future (partly because I didn't really follow a recipe; I don't even remember all the spices I used, let alone the amounts used).

I do remember that I used ground hot Italian sausage mixed with lean ground beef in a 1:4 ratio. I think that was a key step.

So, now faced with leftovers, I went on-line this morning to find some recipes for leftover meatloaf. I came up with two recipes that were mouth-watering:

  • Meatloaf Sloppy Joe Sandwiches
  • Cheesy Meatloaf Sandwich

These are both appealing, in part, because I have buns in the freezer that I can thaw and toast to serve as the sandwich bases. I also have the extra ingredients to cook and mix with the leftover meatloaf.

Maybe, I'll even make a tossed salad as a side dish.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good meatloaf. Mom used to make a meatloaf often. Such a Canadian dish!
