Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Scriptor Senex

Scriptor senex is Latin for "the writer was an old man".  Judging by my recent history of blog posting, it would probably more accurate to refer to me as "vetus lector" which means "an old reader". It seems I always have or make time to read. Most of the books I've read recently have been mysteries and suspense novels from the local branch of the Winnipeg Library.

Occasionally, I still buy books. If I do, I usually purchase them at McNally-Robinson Booksellers. I've been buying books here since it opened in 1981.

Now, I mostly just buy magazines there. I rarely can get past the big magazine stands without buying at least one on photography, cooking, gardening, computing, or art. Tonight, we went there for supper. Prairie Ink is the name of their bistro-style restaurant. And, afterwards, I stocked up on some of the latest interesting photography magazines.

1 comment:

  1. You should submit your photographs to some of those magazines then maybe I would buy one! I buy books online often but there is nothing like the feel and smell of a library or a real trip to a bookstore-to browse. I have found many interesting books that way. Happy reading!
