Saturday, October 22, 2011

"De-clutter in 5 Minutes"

I just saw this cover headline on a magazine at the Safeway check-out. I almost laughed out loud. It's taken me a lifetime to amass all the clutter in my home and some advertising agency for this magazine thinks I'm stupid enough to believe that nonsense. Maybe, they do. Maybe, some people believe this silliness.

It would take me at least 5 minutes just to wade through all the clutter in my basement, let alone the whole house. And that wouldn't de-clutter anything. It'd just discourage me.

I did do some de-cluttering today. I cleaned out my Ford Escape for the coming winter months. I vacuumed up a lot of dog hair, sand, and straw. I even wiped down the seats a bit. Maybe, I'll clean the insides of the windows tomorrow. If I have 5 minutes ...

1 comment:

  1. Declutter in 5 minutes does not seem a reality. I can declutter a drawer, a box but a room can take more than an hour. Perhaps removing an item and taking it to the garage or the road for garbage day takes 5 minutes. Starting with the car sounded like a good plan.
