Monday, July 11, 2011

'Twas Sunny and Hot!

Yesterday, the temperature was 30 degrees here.  There was a breeze and the humidity wasn't too high but it wasn't a day to be out in the yard for long.  Better to enjoy the indoors!  I spent a lot of time on my laptop, looking at comments on my newly posted Flickr photos, commenting on those of my contacts, following people on Facebook, and having a rather disjointed virtual chat with an old friend.

I took time outside to wander through the yard, looking at the flowers.  I noticed one clump of plants infested with red aphids.  Some people would run for the spray to kill them but I plan to take some samples and do some macro photography with them today.  Maybe, I'll post a photo or two of the aphids here later on.

Today, the forecast high is a more pleasant 23 degrees (it's  a cool 14 degrees right now).  So, we've opened all the windows to get some fresh air in the house.  This is more my kind of summer weather.  The hot days make you appreciate the more 'normal' summer days.

For those of you heading off to work, have a great week.  For me, I'll just follow the thread and see where it leads.  Happiness is ...

1 comment:

  1. Always good to spend some time doing a variety of things- puttering at its best! The heat is what summer is all about. Seems your thread lead in some good directions!
