Friday, February 18, 2011

Positive Thinking

A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, he refuses to dwell on it (Norman V. Peale).  The greatest mistake one can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.

Today will take a lot of positive thinking on my part.  We had an overnight blizzard.  Happily, the winds are dying down now and my driveway won't require too much shoveling, thanks to the NW wind direction.  I'm smiling a little now, thinking that if I still lived near Carman, it would be a much different story; strong NW winds there invariable would involve a major snow removal problem!  I feel somewhat sorry for the current owners.

Speaking of Carman, Margaret and I planned to drive out there this evening to attend a Wingfield concert.  That's up in the air right now.  Hopefully, the highway conditions will improve during the day and we'll be able to make it.  We'll see ...

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, you will make the concert. If not a quiet night at home, watching the weather from your window with a glass of wine!!
