Saturday, January 1, 2011

Embrace Change

First, please note that this post is the second one I've made in 2011.  Thanks to a time-zone difference, my last post (my first of 2011) was designated as belonging to yesterday.  Things in life rarely go according to plan.  I suppose that's why we should always have or be ready to make Plan B.

The title for this post, 'embrace change', was inspired by reading the latest blog post of my cousin, Barb,  Her blog posts are always thought-provoking.  When I think of embracing change, I don't think of the popular corporate or management use of this term.  If you want to learn about change in that context, just do a Google search; there are thousands of articles on the topic.  No, I think of embracing change in personal terms, in my daily life.

Change is one of the constants in our lives.  Our daily lives swirl with change.  I've had my 'ups and downs' with change over the years.  At times, especially when I was much younger, I've welcomed and even loved change.  Other times, older and more set in my ways, I've resisted it.  Change gradually became synonymous with uncertainty.  And, I didn't like that.  But, change occurs, regardless of our attitudes towards it.  More recently, I've learned to expect and to accept change.  Believe me, life is much easier now that I've taken that approach.  Yes, I still have goals and I still have a wish list but I recognise that these are just things that will be revised as time goes on and as changes in my life occur.

Happiness is adjusting to change, going with the flow, and following the thread where it leads ...

1 comment:

  1. The luxury of a life lived is the ability to review and renew. We know our own pitfalls and successes as we define them not as the world tells us we should. One of my successes is the fact I do not depend on medication- just some vitamins and Calcium in my daily intake along with a "moderate" diet and some exercise. Change finds us so we have learnt ways to try to deal with it with the least amount of anxiety and stress. Yes following the thread is a good approach- but it is is always good to be able to choose which colour the thread can be! I usually would chose purple! The thread can take us in a roundabout way to some of those goals in life.
