Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Creative Urge

Usually, about this time of year, my creative juices start to flow.  I'm not an artist or anything like that.  I just like to make things.  Sometimes, photography satisfies my creative urges; other times, woodworking does the trick.  Lately, I've started dabbling again with calligraphy-related projects, having just finished my grand-daughters first birthday card from me.  Nothing fancy: just a little artwork coupled with some hand-written notes, from her Papa.

Now, that my appetite has been whetted, so to speak, I want to set up a small corner of the basement for doing some more serious calligraphy over the fall and winter months.  Over the years that I've been interested in calligraphy and taken various workshops, I've gathered quite a few different inks, pens, papers, books, and other odds and ends.  Now, I want to arrange everything I've accumulated into a practical workspace that I can use.  I was looking at some photos of a friends' studio and will likely do something similar.

Of course, her work table is used almost every day and tends to look a little cluttered and confusing.  I tease her about her seeming lack of organization every time I see her studio but she knows exactly where every item is and she creates the most beautiful calligraphy I've ever seen out of the apparent chaos of her studio.  She's much in demand as an instructor so she must be doing something right.

Who knows?  If all goes according to plan, you may receive some calligraphic in the mail from me in the near future.  Time will tell ...

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